Bruce Juggling Five Clubs

Bruce Fields

Contacting me

The easiest way to reach me is by email to bfields at


Until 2022, I maintained the Linux kernel's NFS server, and worked on NFS problems, at Red Hat.

Before 2010, I worked at the University of Michigan's Center for Information Technology Integration (CITI), on a variety of projects, mainly having to do with NFS version 4.


I received my PhD in 2000 from the Math Department at the University of Michigan.

My dissertation was written under the direction of Mel Hochster, and is a study of the lengths of modules determined by killing powers of several ideals of a local ring, as a function of the exponents; download a copy of my thesis here.

Also available is a pdf of a Journal of Algebra article based on the thesis, which covers the same material but with some improved proofs.


I like playing music with people, like Funk Opus. I play bass guitar, keyboards, occasionally the saw, and sing a little.

Other Stuff

I juggle with the Ann Arbor juggling club. I used to help organize our juggling festival.

I've served on the board of the Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition.

I used to help out with Arbor Update, which has been on haitus since 2010.

I'm a fan of Citizens' Climate Lobby.

There are other Bruce Fields's out there, like the baseball player.

But I'm the only Bruce Fields with a Teeter Talk interview.