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Maybe I could set a goal to learn a name every day. Yesterday and today I learned six, so I figure I can retreat to a cave for the rest of the week:

  • Laurie (if that's the spelling): I'd met her several times before, but since I had to be corrected after introducing her to Sara as "Carol", I figure this counts.
  • Daniel: A UM psych prof sitting with Laurie at Top of the Park. We sat next to them a while. He talked about brain imaging a little.
  • Tanner: The husband of someone Sara had a class with, who works on Linux and OpenBSD at the Linux Box.
  • Liz, Melissa, and Kyle: three friends (from the co-ops, I think) who showed up for juggling today. Most of the jugglers went off to Madison for World Juggling Day. I did the regular diag juggling time, expecting to just be on my own. HD also showed up and we passed clubs for a while.